Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of School (& other fun!)

the school year has finally started! i must admit i was very torn about it this year. we had such a fun, relaxing, and somewhat structured summer. and now that the kids are getting older, they are so much fun to be around. that being said, god must have known it would have been hard on me to see them go back this year, because as soon as we got back from vacation, the fighting started! eating, drinking, sleeping and a total of 100 hours (plus some) in the car must have been more than they could take! by the time school rolled around, i was ready! here are some photos from the first day...

                               grayson is going into 4th grade, and berkley is going into 2nd grade

(i made her dress!)

berkley and her teacher, mrs. miller 

gray and his buddies, justin and jake
gray was less than happy that i was "that" mom taking pictures. i told him if he didnt watch it i would bribe his college roomate to get first day of school pictures - and we all know college kids will do anything for food and money ; )

in other news, my sister and brother-in-law went to colorado for a few days and their girls, genna and nya, came to stay with us! we had a great time, and the kids were fabulous. we made it to two schools for pick up and drop off everyday, and had time to spare!

all of the girls got to ride to school together (even though they go to different schools. it was the happiest ride ever. (except for grayson who continues to wonder what he did to deserve 5 screeching girls and no boys in his life!)

lastly, my sister lauren took berkley to the festival of nations this weekend, and i thought these pictures were just too cute not to post!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

home sweet home!

we left denver saturday morning (after indulging the kids with a trip to casa bonita for dinner friday night) intending to go to kansas city for the night, then home on sunday. but once we got back in the car, decided upon just driving straight through. we were all pretty excited to be home. there is nothing to rival coming home to a clean house, with clean sheet on YOUR OWN bed! i am thankful for air mattresses - but they just cant compare to the real thing! we had a wonderful time, we saw moose in the tetons, and i got an amazing picture of an elk with huge antlers sitting on a hill in yellowstone. i will post as many as i can!
 matt and i at the beginning of the trip, at the missouri river valley (rest stop!)
 badlands national park
 mount rushmore at night!
 eric and celeste at devil's tower
 berkley at devils tower
 gray playing chess in the car (he said it built character - he won every game, but he also lost every game!)
 gray and berk at devil's tower
 birthday girl!
 shannah and berkley at glacier national park on her 8th birthday
 the kids at logan's pass - brrr!
 the infamous goldfish eating bikers
 glacier national park
 glacier national park

glacier national park
 this guy had people pulling over thinking there was a grizzly... he stood up!
 berkley and ruthanna
 grayson and noah fishing in glacier
 the ehlen men
 the dandelions are HUGE in canada!
 the most perfect campsite - lake louise campground, banff national park
 the whole gang, and kevin!
 banff national park
 lake louise
 entering yellowstone national park
 the kids at old faithful
 sunset over the tetons
the fountain at casa bonita

thanks for your prayers, hope you enjoyed reading about our trip!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

oh canada!

we are finally back in the us... with mixed emotions. we left glacier friday morning and drove north to banff national park in the canadian rockies. we camped at lake louise for 4 nights. the whole place was gorgeous, but lake louise left me speechless. to say this is one of the most beautiful places i have ever been doesnt seem to adequately convey how i truly felt. i felt as if i had a connection to this place. it was very crowded and tourist-y. the campsites there, however, were amazing. the campground at lake louise has something like 600 sites, and it was one of the best campgrounds i have ever camped. we had a secluded site with huge pine trees surrounding us. the best part? a camping kitchen! it was a separate outbuilding with huge tables, concrete counter space and a 3 burner wood burning stove. i was in heaven (excpet for the asian invasion! ask anyone (adult) that was present... they can explain!). the kids seemed to really like canada. this was their first trip out of the country, and when we stopped at the grocery store on they way to calgary, grayson promptly exclaimed upon seeing labels in french and english, "i love canada!". they also loved getting candy they have never seen before, and the canadian money was a huge hit! one of our highlights in banff was seeing a grizzly bear. we had seen a black bear and a brown bear in glacier, but had been patiently waiting for a grizzly... we took a ride on the ski lifts, and berk was a bit nervous about riding the chair lift, preferring the enclosed gondola. we made a deal that we would ride up enclosed, but back down open air. they loved the open air trip so much that they faked sleep so they could ride again! the kind guy working said if we would "queue back up" on the down low we could ride again. and there was our grizzly! on the way back down we went right over top of him. we were all quite excited. we also met kevin, a 20 year old german who was backpacking across canada. he was a great diverson for us all and provided excellent entertainment for us for an evening. the kids were enthralled, needless to say, and we adults found him to be quite refreshing - as well as making us painfully aware that we are all now too old for that kind of adventure...
then today, (happy birthday, mom!) we drove 12 hours to bozeman montana. matt was glad to be back in the us, the crowds were a bit much for his preference. and after spending 2 of the last 4 nights with temps below freezing, we are all happy to be sleeping in a hard sided structure tonight! tomorrow we head to yellowstone to spend the day, then we will camp the next two nights in jackson hole. i will update as soon as i am able! we miss you all! for some reason i am unable to upload anymore pictures... i will try again when possible!!