Wednesday, September 19, 2012


that's right. i said homeschool. anyone who knows me KNOWS this is the last thing i would be caught dead doing, but here i am. and yes, i have learned the valuable lesson of "never say never"! so "why?" you ask. to make a long story not as long, it all started last winter...
i was aware grayson, was spending an immense amount of time in the classroom reading books (i worked at the school, so i saw this first hand). don't get me wrong, i LOVE books. but it was all he was doing. he never, ever brought home homework. and our time at parent/teacher conferences was spent hearing about the antics of the class clown (wonder where he gets that from?!). we have been told since day one that he's likely gifted, and i know school comes easy to him, but the idea of giving him extra work wasn't cutting it for me. the turning point came while we were on a cruise over new years and he asked me a question about the lifeboats. his questions are absurd. ("hey mom, if all the water in the world was in a glass, would the glass, would the glass be wider or deeper?") but what really got to me was the realization that i hadn't heard one of these absurd questions in a LONG time. which told me that he clearly was not being challenged. so the more we prayed about this, we decided to get him tested. and as it turns out, he is indeed gifted. now what? i really felt homeschool was where we needed to be, but i was facing a severe inner struggle. i'm talking severe. but the more research i did, the more certain i was. so... i am officially a homeschool mom. we have an excellent resource through which we are getting curriculum, etc. and i am totally at peace with it. matt and i decided to leave berkley in school this year where she has been, since she really does well in a school environment.
the real adventure comes when two people who are alike in every possible way, are together all the time. the good news is, we learn alike, so that is helpful! there are so many ways this is wonderful, and so many ways it is still a challenge. it is the epitome of on the job training. i am thankful that we get to be together all the time, and i miss berkley everyday, more than i did when they were both in school. it is also forcing me to be crazy organized (i plan the menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 2 weeks at a time and (hopefully) only make one trip to the store). i still haven't mastered balancing the house chores versus school. we work from 830 when i get home from taking berkley to school, and we usually stop around 3. so we have a very full day. some of those days i am sitting and working side by side with gray, and other days i abandon him for laundry, floors, etc. but its still early in the year and i have confidence i will learn to balance! stay tuned, one of my goals is to write more now that i am home all the time!