Monday, November 5, 2012

the truth hurts...

i am beginning to realize having a gifted child makes me lazy sometimes. i was reviewing with a friend over the weekend the reasons i was homeschooling, and i realized some of these reasons are coming dangerously close to resurfacing... BECAUSE OF ME. 

that was really hard for me to swallow. i consider myself my son's greatest advocate. but he is so smart that i often neglect his schoolwork, because he can figure it out on his own. the bigger issue, i fear, is that i am training him by my example (so why is he going to give 100% when he doesn't see me giving it!?) all of that being said, i am really committing to shifting gears and giving 100% to his education. after all, i was the one who pulled him out of school because i was afraid his brain was going to waste. 

i recently heard somewhere that there is a difference between interest and commitment. obviously, we understand this, but the reality of it sunk in for me. i have A LOT of interests. but there are very few things to which i am committed (which i do not feel is all bad). i would say i am committed to homeschooling, but my actions show it more as an interest. my heart would disagree, especially since i love my son and truly want what is best for him. but if that is the bottom line, i must commit (by my actions) to his education. 

there are two words in our vocabulary that i wish could be deleted. one of those is vulnerable (that's for another day). the other is sacrifice. i am part of the crowd who can comprehend these words, and also can respect the need for them in my individual life. of course i have learned first hand through experience that both of these words produce a more fulfilled life and purposeful relationships. but these words are a stretch for me. i mean it. i have misspelled them both every time i have typed them. these are intentional words. i do not usually carelessly stumble into vulnerability or sacrifice. but in order to commit to something (anything, really) it must be intentional. and really, a synonym for commit should be sacrifice. whatever it is, if we truly commit to it, there is quite a bit of sacrifice involved. (now, here is where we can get on to all the different levels of sacrifice. obviously, i'm not talking anything near the extent of Christ's sacrifice. i'm just talking the nominal, everyday kind. like i can't sit and read all day because i have a family that relies on me to__________ (fill in the blank with any number of things!). if this example seems a frivolous sacrifice then you have no idea how much i love to read.)

i have spent the morning detailing a homeschool plan for the month of november. i have included the kinds of projects and things that i think grayson will really enjoy and be excited about. i am committing to follow through with this (i've also given myself an easy start, he is going hunting and will have 4 days off school, plus thanksgiving gives us another 3 off!). i am excited to report back with some of the things we will do! we're starting today with custom crossword puzzle and tomorrow we are building a paper model of columbus' santa maria. we are also going to build a replica of the mayflower for a thanksgiving centerpiece. i'll post some photos along the way, too!

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