Monday, May 11, 2015

still... waiting...

it's been quite a while since we have updated anything, particularly because there is no news. we finished our classes at the end of april, and took the mandatory cpr/first aid class, so all there is to do now is just wait it out.

we have been praying about a new car and what kind would be best for us, and have (hopefully) completed that part of our process. we just need to take possession of it. we will officially christen it on our way to colorado this summer, complete with all of our camping gear!

the only bit of real news we have so far is that our kids are going back to school this fall! they are excited, and i am ready. we made this decision for several reasons, and the pros FAR outweighed the cons. we will have a middle-schooler and a high-schooler, along with whoever else happens to be living here then. not having started school until at least september the last few years, august 12 will certainly come quickly, but we are anticipating great things!

we ask that you continue to pray for us. we know there are good things in store. we pray daily for the children who will be here before we know it. it's a bit unnerving knowing that our lives will change dramatically ANY DAY, and while that can make us nervous, we are also anxious to begin this next chapter of our family. i am specifically praying that this happens sooner rather than later. i know God has this all mapped out (and does not need my help!), but having the majority of the summer to be together, intentionally bonding and getting to know each other will give the new children (and the old ones) and big advantage for the upcoming school year. thank you for walking this amazing adventure with us!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

its a choice

(so this was written at the end of february, and apparently never posted. sorta like when you type the long epic text message only to look down 2 hours later and realize you never pushed send...)

this post could just easily be called, "my daily mantra". i am learning a lot about God's timing and the difference between trusting God, and really trusting God. our classes are a little more than half over, and our paper work is nearly completed. in the mean time, a sibling group has been identified that we are very interested in. on paper, and in our minds, this is a no brainer. but i am committed to leaning on God and resting in his timing (although it feels like more like trying to fall asleep on the most restless night imaginable - the kind where your mind doesn't stop and you continually toss and turn, you know the one).

the bible is FULL of God's promises. John 14:18, Hebrews 6:19, Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 12:9-10 are the ones that are daily getting me through this. i know enough about the home life of these sweet kids that each day that passes kills me more. but i also know this is all they know - while it may be hellish, it is home to them. and i while the odds are i only know the tip of the iceberg, God sees the WHOLE iceberg, every nook and cranny. as i have often said when I'm stuck in a hard place with my kids, God loves these kids more than i do. that seems impossible to us a parents, we'd do anything for our kids. but He feels the same way about us, and i am so grateful he does. i know God wants the sweet kids to have a better life. i don't know if he has us for them and them for us or not, but whatever his plan is, i know is it much better than mine.

so i will choose trust. open handed, mindful trust.